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Optimization for large databases

Following recent work on a client site, we've completed a series of improvements to Kartris to handle large databases (of the order of 1 million product versions).
8 Mar 2010
Full-text catalogue support has been added to the search code front and back, providing significant speed improvements to the core search functionality.

Paging of large result sets has been improved, particular in the back end. Consequently the orders view, and other sections that contain many thousands of records are now much sharper in response. Furthermore, the paging controls have been modified to provide adaptable 'next/previous' link functionality based on the number of pages, to avoid huge numbers of page links.

Caching has been improved too on many front and back end sections to reduce round trips to the database, especially on controls used on most pages, or that have complex underlying queries and seldomly changed data.

These features are available from 1.0019 onwards.
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