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Miles Tools & Machinery Centre web site

Kartris handling over one million items for sale
9 May 2010
Cactusoft has recently completed work on the largest Kartris web site to date - for Miles Tool and Machinery Centre (www.mtmc.co.uk). It has over one million items for sale.

The old site ran a specially customized version of CactuShop - our aim was to optimize Kartris to ensure it could handle the huge volume and site activity out-of-the-box. The site look and feel needed to match the previous site, but extensive use of caching reduces database load and increases general site speed.

One of the most noticeable functional improvements is the keyword search. It can take several words and determine the order of results based on the best match, even if not all the words are found. It can also find item codes where the user knows the exact item they need. Thanks to full-text search support, searching across the million-plus items takes less than two seconds.

All of the speed and reliability improvements have been rolled out into the latest version v1.0024.
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